Emotional Changes During Puberty are normal. Your body isn’t the only thing puberty affects. Read on to see six emotional changes that may surprise you.
Emotional changes during puberty happen to every girl. Some of the biggest changes you’ll go through during puberty don’t really have to do with your looks at all. Let’s just say things can get pretty emotional – in both great ways and challenging ways. Here are a few things to expect as you get older.
The Way You Think Changes
As you age, you begin to perceive things from multiple angles. You’re essentially beginning to think like an adult.
Your brain is developing physically, so use it now while it’s bigger and better! The former pastimes you enjoyed will be even more enjoyable now, and you can even try discovering new interests.You Can Express Yourself Better
It’s good because you’ll discover that you can communicate your happiness or sadness to people much more effectively, and sometimes just speaking things aloud can make you feel more in touch with who you are. The tough aspect is that you’re likely experiencing increased self-consciousness, which may cause you to hesitate before opening up.
Just keep in mind that it’s all part of growing up and that you’ll emerge from it with a better understanding of both your body and mind.You Feel Really Emotional
Yes, everything and everyone may seem more annoying, but it’s really just your hormones at work. In fact, many women experience irritability right before their periods for the same reason.
Don’t worry if you feel pumped one minute and like you just want to fall asleep the next because mood swings are a normal part of adolescence.
Teenage Advice: If you’re furious, try counting to 10 before you speak or act. Take long, relaxing breaths. Once the 10 seconds have passed, consider whether it really is that important.
Try jogging if it doesn’t work. Just do something, like hit something in a batting cage or on a racquetball court. Exercise can keep you fit and improve your mood.You Cry — a Lot
When practically everything makes you weep, it actually makes the day more difficult. Not like you’re particularly depressed on that particular day or anything. Simply put, hormones might make you want to cry! Just remember that you’re not alone. It’s a typical aspect of adolescence.
Never hesitate to talk to your mom to get things under control. Your mother will help you get perspective and tell you that nothing is wrong.You Feel More Feminine
Some girls have a sense of femininity, which may manifest itself in a variety of ways. For instance, you might be more interested in applying your cosmetics and hair.
You experience self-doubt.
You could be tempted to compare yourself to your peers because puberty is a time when many physical and psychological changes take place. This may make you feel insecure about yourself. But guess what? The same idea is being thought by everyone else!
Your age group as a whole is self-conscious. Just keep in mind that as your personality develops, so does your emotional nature. Despite the fact that it could be upsetting, frightening, or make you second think yourself, be aware that these emotional shifts are positive even if they don’t feel that way right now.
You could be tempted to compare yourself to your peers because puberty is a time when many physical and psychological changes take place. This may make you feel insecure about yourself. But guess what? The same idea is being thought by everyone else!
Your age group as a whole is self-conscious. Just keep in mind that as your personality develops, so does your emotional nature. Despite the fact that it could be upsetting, frightening, or make you second think yourself, be aware that these emotional shifts are positive even if they don’t feel that way right now.
- Holmes and Hutchinson. Girlology’s There’s something new about you. Mass General Intellectual thinking