How to use a Pad?

How to us your Banana Pads?

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Banana Pads are simple and easy to use. Follow the steps below to learn how to place them properly.

  1. number Take the Wrapper Off
  1. With thoroughly cleansed hands, take the pad out of the trash bag. Save the bag; you’ll need it later to dispose of the used pad.

  2. number

    Take the Backing Off

    The sticky back of the pad is often covered with a lengthy sheet of paper that serves as the pad’s backing. On occasion, the backing serves as the wrapper as well.

  3. number

    Place the Pad

    Center the sticky side of the pad in the lower part of your underwear — the area that goes between your legs.  Remove the backing and wrap them around the underside of your undies.

  4. number

    Dispose of the Pad

    Pull your pad off your pants once it has absorbed all the liquid and roll it up like a sleeping bag in the throwaway bag and Put it in the garbage after that. Never use the toilet to flush a pad 


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