Any woman after pregnancy may find postnatal bleeding to be frightening. Discover how your body naturally heals after giving birth. You’ll have a blood flow after giving birth. Although it doesn’t feel like a heavy time, it is. Actually, it’s a method of your body recovering from pregnancy.
What exactly is bleeding?
Your uterus was coated with blood and tissue while you were pregnant. We refer to that lining as “lochia.” Your body will now expel the lochia after giving birth, much like you do when you go through your monthly cycle.
Suppose I Had a C-Section?
The lochia will shed no matter how your kid was delivered. Therefore, whether you had a C-section or a vaginal delivery, you will bleed a little.
What Can I Anticipate?
Each woman’s postpartum bleeding lasts for a varying length of time depending on the pregnancy. What you can anticipate is that the lochia flow’s hue will alter over time. For the first three to four days, it is red; after that, it changes to a pinkish-brown flow. Around three weeks following delivery, the volume of lochia flow often starts to decline.
Inform your doctor if you pass huge clots as this could be a symptom of a problem. Additionally, retain the sanitary pad that the blood clot was on because your doctor might want to look at it.
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- The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), Patient Brochure 005: You and Your Baby